It’s often difficult to summarise one’s own story, which I endeavour to do a better job of as time goes on… For now I can just say that my life has unfolded from a place of challenge; an inability to speak or express myself in a world which was constantly overwhelming and frightening; and from this place a long and many-layered journey has unfolded. As I began to emerge from the depths of this, people began coming to me to ask for assistance, and I found I had things to share.

And so initially I shared in ways that were requested. Over time, the forces that guide the work have shown me how to create particular containers to best hold the work, and how to work in ways that are sustainable for myself to continue to offer it. Together we continue to refine, to adapt, to follow: It is a constant task, as I believe it is for every human, to continue to release what’s no longer needed and stay present to what is truly alive and emerging - to stay engaged with this work in my own body so I can continue to offer it from a place of ever deepening truth and presence.

Sacred Somatics has become exactly the kind of space and understanding that I needed that I never found elsewhere.

My primary teachers have been my own body and the bodies I have been lucky enough to work and feel with over the years; as well as those who speak to me in voices often quiet, sometimes very loud, through feeling and heart and senses. I’ve learned much from the plants as well as many incredible humans who have blessed my path. I feel huge gratitude to Rob Burbea, to /ukxa and /kun of the Ju/’hoansi of the Kalahari, who continue to touch my heart, my life and my dreams.

There seems to be a natural tendency in me to guide others in what I’ve had to come to intimately know the skills of: To move and express compressed energies in our bodies which distort our natural expression, so that we have an embodied connection to our inner compass, and can recognise, strengthen and follow our own threads of resonance. To root, to feel and know the sacred and unending nature of everything we are, and everything we are supported by.

With deep thanks to all of the energies which choose to work with and through me: It is through their clarity, teachings, loving demands and at times unyielding insistence that I have found ways to share this work.

I live on Dartmoor, UK. I also weave cloth and make pots.

I have no qualifications to speak of, though if you're into that sort of thing, I've got some smashing GCSEs.